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Do you know the simplest way to increase your wealth?

Appreciate it!

Appreciation is a term used in accounting relating to the increase in value of an asset. In this sense it is the reverse of depreciation, which measures the fall in value of assets over their normal life-time.

Why would anyone expect to universe to give them any more, if they do not appreciate what they already have? Do you want to express your ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE on the web? There are many new ways for us to appreciate each other available on the web. The following include a few:

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When you use any these, you are using the secret. It is important to take the time to let others know something they’ve done was important to you. In things you post online, and in your webpages, providing options to facilitate convenient ways to share shows that you recognize the importance of this. If you you are the administrator of a saite and would like to know how to intclude easy buttons for common sharing functions for the most popular sites mentioned above, you can go here:

It has been said that the greatest commandment is to love they neighbor as thyself. Appreciating one another is how we show that love. Besides improving sociability, and simply being good manners, when we appreciate each other, we all gain an increase. Applying this principle in business partnerships can be very powerful. You may have seen how well this works already in a partnership with your spouse. My husband responds much more to my complements than complaints. But any form of exchange is better than none.

When your partner gains, you gain. The internet’s facilitation of all of these different forms of sharing is changing the world. So remember to send those thank you notes and say your prayers. You will then be positioned to recieve more. Now allow me to thank you for allowing me to express myself with you. The only way for me to keep what I have, or enable myself to recieve more, is by sharing it with you.

Wherever you came from, wherever you are going; I totally appreciate you.


I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place in you of light, love, truth, peace, and wisdom. I honor the place in you where, when you are in that place, and I am in that place, there’s only one of us.

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